2018年12月05日 19:20  访问量:


Environmental engineering innovation team


环境工程创新科研团队紧密围绕国家环境保护的需求和学科发展前沿,以发展面向环境友好型功能材料为目标,以-介孔分子筛、纳米多孔材料结构和界面性质控制为核心,掌握较完整的环境功能材料的应用规律。为环境功能材料提供构效、设计和合成基础,加快环境功能材料的生产和实用进程。团队成员由来环境功能材料及在水处理中的应用研究、固体废物资源化及陶瓷等企业清洁生产以及大气污染控制等四个研究方向的6名优秀中青年人才组成,包括教授2名,副教授2名。 经过多年建设和培育,团队形成了稳定的研究方向,团队成员间也具有了良好的合作基础。近五年,团队主持国家自然基金项目3项,省科技厅及教育厅项目8项,在国内外各类期刊上发表论文100多篇,参加环境保护部环境工程评估中心制定国家标准1项,出版专著1部,教材7本,获得国家专利8项,国家清洁生产审核师3名。

团队负责人成岳,博士,教授,毕业于南京理工大学 环境工程专业,2013University of Connecticut访学,省市环评影响评价专家库成员,江西省高校中青年学科带头人。联系方式:cy_jci@163.com


The "environmental engineering" innovation research team is closely focused on the country's environmental protection needs and the development of disciplines. The goal is to develop environment-friendly functional materials, with micro-mesoporous molecular sieves, nanoporous materials structure and interfacial properties as the core. To master the application law of environmental functional materials. It provides the foundation for the structure, design and synthesis of environmental functional materials, and speeds up the production and practical process of environmental functional materials. The team members are composed of six outstanding young and middle-aged talents from the four research directions of environmental functional materials and applied research in water treatment, solid waste resources, cleaner production of ceramics, and atmospheric pollution control, including two professors and two associate professors. After many years of construction and cultivation, the team formed a stable research direction, and the team members also have a good basis for cooperation. In the past five years, the team has presided over 3 projects of the National Natural Resources Fund, 8 projects of the Provincial Department of Science and Technology and the Department of Education, published more than 100 papers in various periodicals at home and abroad, participated in the formulation of 1 national standard for the Environmental Engineering Assessment Center of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, and published monographs. 1 department, 7 textbooks, 8 national patents. 3 national clean production auditors.
   Team leader Chengyue, Doctor, Professor. He graduated from Nanjing University of Science and Technology with a major in environmental engineering. He visited the University of Connecticut in 2013, was a member of the Provincial Environmental Assessment Impact Evaluation Expert Bank, and was a leader of Jiangxi University's young and middle-aged disciplines. Contact: cy_jci@163.com